
Below, instructions are given how to access PyFEM and install it on windows using Git Bash.

The original code can be downloaded from the website that accompanies the book.

The latest development version is available on Github:

This version of the PyFEM is written to work properly in combination with Python version 3.x. In addition, the code uses the modules numpy, scipy and matplotlib. Installation guidelines are given for various operating systems.


The Python compiler and the modules numpy, scipy, and matplotlib are included in most common distributions of Linux and can be installed without any problems. In many cases, different versions of python are offered. Please make sure that python version 3.6 or higher is installed. In addition, the modules meshio, pickle, and h5py can be installed for additional functionality.

Execute the file in the root directory pyfem. In a terminal, one can type:


This script will check if the correct versions of Python and the various modules are available. If not, it will ask your permission to install the correct modules for you.

The main executables are created. In commandline you can run PyFEM by typing

The Graphical User Interface of the code (currently under development) can be exectuted by typing from any directory:

It is advised to create aliases. When using a bash shell, please add the following lines to the file ~/.bashrc:

You can then run PyFEM in commandline from any directory by typing:

You can start the gui by typing:


Under construction


Under construction