# This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book: #
# #
# 'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures' #
# R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel #
# John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449 #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by #
# Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since #
# then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers. #
# All rights reserved. #
# #
# A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code, #
# can be found here: #
# https://github.com/jjcremmers/PyFEM/ #
# https://pyfem.readthedocs.io/ #
# #
# The original code can be downloaded from the web-site: #
# http://www.wiley.com/go/deborst #
# #
# The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific #
# purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would #
# be grateful if you could cite the book. #
# #
# Disclaimer: #
# The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is #
# free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any #
# event caused by the use of the program. #
from numpy import array, dot, ndarray, empty, zeros , ones, real , sqrt
from scipy.linalg import norm , det , inv
from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots as gauss_scheme
import numpy
from .shapeFunctions import shapeData,elemShapeData,getIntegrationPoints,getElemType
def getBezierLine4 ( xi , C ):
#Check the dimensions of the parametric space
if type(xi) == 'numpy.float64':
raise NotImplementedError('1D only')
if C.shape[1] != 4:
raise NotImplementedError('C needs to have 4 columns.')
sData = shapeData()
#Set length of lists
# sData.h = empty( 4 )
# sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(1,4) )
sData.xi = xi
B = empty(4)
dBdxi = empty( shape=(4,1))
#Calculate shape functions
B[0] = -0.125*(xi-1.)**3
B[1] = 0.375*(xi-1.)**2*(xi+1.)
B[2] = -0.375*(xi-1.)*(xi+1.)**2
B[3] = 0.125*(xi+1.)**3
#Calculate derivatives of shape functions
dBdxi[0,0] = -0.375*(xi-1.)**2
dBdxi[1,0] = 0.75*(xi-1.0)*(xi+1.0) + 0.375*(xi-1.)**2
dBdxi[2,0] = -0.375*(1+xi)**2-0.75*(1+xi)*(xi-1)
dBdxi[3,0] = 0.375*(xi+1.)**2
sData.h = dot( C , B )
sData.dhdxi = dot( C , dBdxi )
return sData
def calcWeight( jac ):
n = jac.shape
if n[0] == n[1]:
return det(jac)
elif n[0] == 1 and n[1] == 2:
return sqrt(sum(sum(jac*jac)))
def getElemBezierData( elemCoords , C , order=4 , method="Gauss" , elemType = 'default' ):
elemData = elemShapeData()
if elemType == 'default':
elemType = getElemType( elemCoords )
(intCrds,intWghts) = getIntegrationPoints( "Line3" , order , method )
for xi,intWeight in zip( real(intCrds) , intWghts ):
sData = eval( 'getBezier'+elemType+'(xi,C)' )
raise NotImplementedError('Unknown type :'+elemType)
jac = dot ( sData.dhdxi.transpose() , elemCoords )
if jac.shape[0] is jac.shape[1]:
sData.dhdx = (dot ( inv( jac ) , sData.dhdxi.transpose() )).transpose()
sData.weight = calcWeight( jac ) * intWeight
return elemData