Source code for pyfem.util.dataStructures

#  This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book:      #
#                                                                              #
#    'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures'             #
#    R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel            #
#    John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449                            #
#                                                                              #
#  Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by                #
#  Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since        #
#  then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers.                        #
#  All rights reserved.                                                        #
#                                                                              #
#  A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code,          #
#  can be found here:                                                          #
#                                     #
#                                            #	
#                                                                              #
#  The original code can be downloaded from the web-site:                      #
#                                          #
#                                                                              #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific         #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would      #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                     #    
#                                                                              #
#  Disclaimer:                                                                 #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is        #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any       #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                     #

import time
from numpy import zeros
from pyfem.util.logger     import getLogger

logger = getLogger()


[docs] def cleanVariable( a ): if a == 'true': return True elif a == 'false': return False else: try: return eval(a) except: return a
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class solverStatus: def __init__( self ): self.cycle = 0 self.iiter = 0 self.time = 0.0 self.time0 = 0.0 self.dtime = 0.0 self.lam = 1.0
[docs] def increaseStep( self ): self.cycle += 1 self.time += self.dtime self.iiter = 0
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class Properties: def __init__ ( self, dictionary = {} ): for key in dictionary.keys(): setattr( self, key, dictionary[key] ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __str__ ( self ): myStr = '' for att in dir( self ): #Ignore private members and standard routines if att.startswith('__'): continue myStr += 'Attribute: ' + att + '\n' myStr += str( getattr(self,att) ) + '\n' return myStr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __iter__ ( self ): propsList = [] for att in dir( self ): #Ignore private members and standard routines if att.startswith('__'): continue propsList.append( ( att, getattr(self,att) ) ) return iter(propsList) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def store ( self , key , val ): if not '.' in key: setattr( self , key , val ) else: kets = key.split(".") props = self for y in kets[:-1]: props = getattr(props,y) setattr(props,kets[-1],cleanVariable(val))
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class GlobalData ( Properties ): def __init__ ( self, nodes, elements, dofs ): Properties.__init__( self, { 'nodes' : nodes, 'elements' : elements, 'dofs' : dofs } ) self.state = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.Dstate = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.fint = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.fhat = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.velo = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.acce = zeros( len( self.dofs ) ) self.solverStatus = elements.solverStat self.outputNames = [] #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def readFromFile( self , fname ):"Reading external forces ......") fin = open( fname ) while True: line = fin.readline() if line.startswith('<ExternalForces>') == True: while True: line = fin.readline() if line.startswith('</ExternalForces>') == True: return a = line.strip().split(';') if len(a) == 2: b = a[0].split('=') if len(b) == 2: c = b[0].split('[') dofType = c[0] nodeID = eval(c[1].split(']')[0]) self.fhat[self.dofs.getForType(nodeID,dofType)] = eval(b[1])
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def printNodes( self , fileName = None , inodes=None ): if fileName is None: f = None else: f = open(fileName,"w") if inodes is None: inodes = list(self.nodes.keys()) print(' Node | ', file = f , end=' ') for dofType in self.dofs.dofTypes: print(f" {dofType:<10}", file=f, end=' ') if hasattr( self , 'fint' ): for dofType in self.dofs.dofTypes: print(f" fint-{dofType:<6}", file=f, end=' ') for name in self.outputNames: print(f" {name:<11}", file=f, end=' ') print(" ", file = f ) print(('-' * 100), file = f ) for nodeID in inodes: print(f' {nodeID:4d} | ', file=f, end=' ') for dofType in self.dofs.dofTypes: print(f' {self.state[self.dofs.getForType(nodeID, dofType)]:10.3e} ', file=f, end=' ') for dofType in self.dofs.dofTypes: print(f' {self.fint[self.dofs.getForType(nodeID, dofType)]:10.3e} ', file=f, end=' ') for name in self.outputNames: print(f' {self.getData(name, nodeID):10.3e} ', file=f, end=' ') print(" ", file = f ) print(" ", file = f ) if fileName is not None: f.close()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getData( self , outputName , inodes ): data = getattr( self, outputName ) weights = getattr( self, outputName + 'Weights' ) if type(inodes) is int: i = list(self.nodes.keys()).index(inodes) return data[i] / weights[i] else: outdata=[] for row,w in zip(data[inodes],weights[inodes]): if w != 0: outdata.append(row/w) else: outdata.append(row) return outdata
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def resetNodalOutput ( self ): for outputName in self.outputNames: delattr( self , outputName ) delattr( self , outputName + 'Weights' ) self.outputNames=[]
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def close ( self ): from pyfem.util.plotUtils import plotTime"")"=============================================================")" Total elapsed time.......... : " + plotTime(time.time()-self.startTime))" PyFem analysis terminated successfully.")"=============================================================")
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class elementData(): def __init__( self , elstate , elDstate ): nDof = len(elstate) self.state = elstate self.Dstate = elDstate self.stiff = zeros( shape=( nDof,nDof ) ) self.fint = zeros( shape=(nDof) ) self.mass = zeros( shape=( nDof,nDof ) ) self.lumped = zeros( shape=(nDof) ) self.diss = 0.0 self.outlabel = [] def __str__( self ): return self.state