Source code for pyfem.util.fileParser

#  This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book:      #
#                                                                              #
#    'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures'             #
#    R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel            #
#    John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449                            #
#                                                                              #
#  Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by                #
#  Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since        #
#  then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers.                        #
#  All rights reserved.                                                        #
#                                                                              #
#  A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code,          #
#  can be found here:                                                          #
#                                     #
#                                            #	
#                                                                              #
#  The original code can be downloaded from the web-site:                      #
#                                          #
#                                                                              #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific         #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would      #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                     #    
#                                                                              #
#  Disclaimer:                                                                 #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is        #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any       #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                     #

from pyfem.util.dataStructures import Properties
import re

[docs] def containsValue( db , val ): ''' Addition of two numbers :param db: a :type db: integer :param val: btted :type val: integer :returns: new value :rtype: integer ''' keys = list(db.keys()) for key in keys: if type(db[key]) == dict: if containsValue(db[key],val): return True else: if db[key] == val: return True return False
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[docs] def cleanVariable( a ): if a == 'true': return True elif a == 'false': return False else: try: return eval(a) except: return a
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[docs] def isNodeDof( nodeDof ): return type(nodeDof) == str and '[' in nodeDof
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[docs] def decodeNodeDof( nodeDof , nodes ): a = nodeDof.split('[') dofType = a[0] nodeID = cleanVariable(a[1].split(']')[0]) if type(nodeID) == str: return dofType,nodes.groups[nodeID] else: return dofType,[nodeID]
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[docs] def getType( a ): return type(cleanVariable(a))
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[docs] def storeValue( db , key , a ): if type(a) == list: tmp=[] for v in a: tmp.append(cleanVariable(v)) key , tmp ) else: key , cleanVariable(a) )
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[docs] def readItem( l1 , db ): if '.' in l1[0]: l2 = l1[0].split('.',1) if l2[0] in db: if type(db[l2[0]]) == dict: child=db[l2[0]] else: child=Properties() else: child=Properties() l1[0]=l2[1] ln = readItem( l1 , child ) db[l2[0]] = child return ln else: l2 = l1[1].split(';',1) if l2[0][0] == '[': l3 = l2[0][1:-1].split(',') storeValue( db , l1[0] , l3 ) else: storeValue( db , l1[0] , l2[0] ) return l2[1]
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[docs] def readBlock( ln , db ): while True: if ln[0:7] == 'include': l1 = ln.split(';',1) deepFileParser( l1[0][8:-1] , db ) ln = l1[1] continue l1 = ln.split('=',1) if len(l1) == 1: return ln if l1[0][0:2] == '};': return ln[2:] if l1[0][0:2] == '//': ln = l1[1].split(';',1)[1] continue #if l1[0][0:1] == '#': # ln = l1[1].split(';',1)[1] # continue if l1[1][0] == '{': child = Properties() ln = l1[1][1:] ln = readBlock( ln , child ) l1[0] , child ) else: ln = readItem( l1 , db )
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[docs] def fileParser( fileName ): db = Properties() f = open(fileName) f2 = '' for line in f: if not line.startswith('#'): f2 = f2+line ln = open(fileName).read().replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\r','') ln = f2.replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\r','') readBlock( ln , db ) return db
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[docs] def deepFileParser( fileName , db ): ln = open(fileName).read().replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\r','') readBlock( ln , db ) return db
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[docs] class nodeTable : def __init__( self , label , subLabel = "None" ): self.label = label self.subLabel = subLabel = []
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[docs] def readNodeTable( fileName , label , nodes = None ): fin = open( fileName , 'r' ) startLabel = str('<'+label) endLabel = str('</'+label) output = [] for line in fin: if line.strip().startswith(startLabel) == True: nt = nodeTable( label ) if 'name' in line: subLabel = line.split('=')[1].replace('\n','').replace('>','').replace(' ','').replace('\"','').replace('\'','') nt.subLabel = subLabel for line in fin: if line.strip().startswith(endLabel) == True: output.append(nt) break fullRel = line.strip().split(';') if len(fullRel) == 2: splitRel = fullRel[0].split('=') if len(splitRel) == 2: lhs = splitRel[0] rhs = splitRel[1] if not isNodeDof(lhs): raise RuntimeError(str(lhs) + ' is not a NodeDof') dofType,nodeIDs = decodeNodeDof(lhs,nodes) if getType(rhs) is float or getType(rhs) is int: for nodeID in nodeIDs:[ dofType,int(nodeID),float(eval(rhs)) ]) else: rhs = rhs.replace(" ","").replace("+"," +").replace("-"," -") splitrhs = rhs.split(" ") rhs = 0.0 for irhs in splitrhs: if irhs == "": continue if '[' not in irhs: for nodeID in nodeIDs:[ dofType,int(nodeID),float(eval(irhs)) ]) else: eq_rhs = irhs.split("*") factor = 1.0 for ieq_rhs in eq_rhs: if (getType(ieq_rhs) is float) or (getType(ieq_rhs) is int): factor = cleanVariable(ieq_rhs) else: if isNodeDof(ieq_rhs): if '-' in ieq_rhs: factor = -1.0; ieq_rhs = ieq_rhs.replace("-","").replace("+","") slaveDofType,slaveNodeID = decodeNodeDof( ieq_rhs , nodes) for nodeID in nodeIDs: dt = [ dofType,int(nodeID),rhs,slaveDofType,slaveNodeID,factor ] return output