# This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book: #
# #
# 'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures' #
# R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel #
# John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449 #
# #
# Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by #
# Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since #
# then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers. #
# All rights reserved. #
# #
# A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code, #
# can be found here: #
# https://github.com/jjcremmers/PyFEM/ #
# https://pyfem.readthedocs.io/ #
# #
# The original code can be downloaded from the web-site: #
# http://www.wiley.com/go/deborst #
# #
# The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific #
# purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would #
# be grateful if you could cite the book. #
# #
# Disclaimer: #
# The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is #
# free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any #
# event caused by the use of the program. #
class itemList ( dict ):
Class to construct a list of items that have a coninuous local number, and
a global ID.
def add ( self, ID: int, item ):
Adds an item with an ID to the list. This item will be stored in the list.
ID (int): the ID of the item to be stored.
item: the value(s) of the item to be stored.
if ID in self:
raise RuntimeError( 'ID ' + str(ID) + ' already exists in ' + type(self).__name__ )
self[ID] = item
def get ( self, IDs ):
Returns the index / indices of an ID or list of IDs of items in the list.
IDs (list[int]|int,optional): the ID/IDs. If ommited, a list with all indces
will be returned.
list[int]: a list with the indices. In the case of a single ID, this list has
length 1.
if isinstance(IDs,int):
return self[IDs]
elif isinstance(IDs,list):
return [ self[ID] for ID in IDs ]
raise RuntimeError('illegal argument for itemList.get')
def getIndices ( self, IDs : list[int] | int = -1 ) -> list[int]:
Returns the index / indices of an ID or list of IDs of items in the list.
IDs (list[int]|int,optional): the ID/IDs. If ommited, a list with all indces
will be returned.
list[int]: a list with the indices. In the case of a single ID, this list has
length 1.
if IDs == -1:
return list(self.keys())
elif isinstance(IDs,int):
return list(self.keys()).index( IDs )
elif isinstance(IDs,list):
return [ list(self.keys()).index( ID ) for ID in IDs ]
raise RuntimeError('illegal argument for itemList.getIndices')
def findID( self , index : int ) -> int:
Returns the ID of an index in the list.
index (int): the index of the item
int: the ID of the item
return list(self.keys())[index]