Source code for pyfem.util.shapeFunctions

#  This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book:      #
#                                                                              #
#    'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures'             #
#    R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel            #
#    John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449                            #
#                                                                              #
#  Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by                #
#  Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since        #
#  then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers.                        #
#  All rights reserved.                                                        #
#                                                                              #
#  A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code,          #
#  can be found here:                                                          #
#                                     #
#                                            #	
#                                                                              #
#  The original code can be downloaded from the web-site:                      #
#                                          #
#                                                                              #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific         #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would      #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                     #    
#                                                                              #
#  Disclaimer:                                                                 #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is        #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any       #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                     #

from math import sqrt
from numpy import array, dot, ndarray, empty, zeros , ones, cross
from scipy.linalg import norm , det , inv
from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots as gauss_scheme

[docs] class shapeData: ''' Class that contains the shape function data for a single integration point. ''' pass
[docs] class elemShapeData: ''' Class that contains the shape function data for an entire element. This class is iterable. ''' def __init__( self ): self.sData = [] def __iter__( self ): ''' Iteration over integration points ''' return iter(self.sData) def __len__( self ): ''' Function that returns the number of integration points in an element. ''' return len(self.sData)
[docs] def getShapeLine2 ( xi : float ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 1D line element with 2 nodes (Line2). Args: xi(float): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 1D coordinate (float) ''' if type(xi) != float: raise NotImplementedError('1D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 2 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(2,1) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 0.5*(1.0-xi) sData.h[1] = 0.5*(1.0+xi) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.5 sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 0.5 return sData
[docs] def getShapeLine3 ( xi ): ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 1D line element with 3 nodes (Line3). Args: xi(float): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 1D coordinate (float) ''' if type(xi) != float: raise NotImplementedError('1D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 3 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(1,3) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 0.5*(1.0-xi)-0.5*(1.0-xi*xi) sData.h[1] = 1-xi*xi sData.h[2] = 0.5*(1.0+xi)-0.5*(1.0-xi*xi) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.5+xi sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -2.0*xi sData.dhdxi[0,2] = 0.5+xi return sData
[docs] def getShapeTria3 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 2D triangular element with 3 nodes (Tria3). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 2D coordinate (ndarray of length 2) ''' if len(xi) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('2D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 3 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(3,2) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 1.0-xi[0]-xi[1] sData.h[1] = xi[0] sData.h[2] = xi[1] #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -1.0 sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 1.0 sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -1.0 sData.dhdxi[1,1] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 1.0 return sData
[docs] def getShapeQuad4 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 2D quadrilateral element with 4 nodes (Quad4). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 2D coordinate (ndarray of length 2) ''' if len(xi) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('2D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 4 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(4,2) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 0.25*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.h[1] = 0.25*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.h[2] = 0.25*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.h[3] = 0.25*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.25*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 0.25*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.25*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[3,0] = -0.25*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -0.25*(1.0-xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[1,1] = -0.25*(1.0+xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 0.25*(1.0+xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[3,1] = 0.25*(1.0-xi[0]) return sData
[docs] def getShapeTria6 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 2D triangular element with 6 nodes (Tria4). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 2D coordinate (ndarray of length 2) ''' if len(xi) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('2D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 6 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(6,2) ) sData.xi = xi sData.h[0] = 1.0-xi[0]-xi[1] sData.h[1] = xi[0] sData.h[2] = xi[1] #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]-2.0*xi[0]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])-2.0*xi[1]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]) sData.h[1] = xi[0]-2.0*xi[0]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])-2.0*xi[0]*xi[1] sData.h[2] = xi[1]-2.0*xi[0]*xi[1]-2.0*xi[1]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]) sData.h[3] = 4.0*xi[0]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]) sData.h[4] = 4.0*xi[0]*xi[1] sData.h[5] = 4.0*xi[1]*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -1.0-2.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])+2.0*xi[0]+2.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 1.0-2.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])+2.0*xi[0]-2.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[3,0] = 4.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])-4.0*xi[0] sData.dhdxi[4,0] = 4.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[5,0] = -4.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -1.0+2.0*xi[0]-2.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])+2.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[1,1] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 1.0-2.0*xi[0]-2.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])+2.0*xi[1] sData.dhdxi[3,1] = -4.0*xi[0] sData.dhdxi[4,1] = 4.0*xi[0] sData.dhdxi[5,1] = 4.0*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1])-4.0*xi[1] return sData
[docs] def getShapeQuad8 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 2D quadrilateral element with 8 nodes (Quad8). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 2D coordinate (ndarray of length 2) ''' if len(xi) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('2D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 8 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(8,2) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = -0.25*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0+xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.h[1] = 0.5 *(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.h[2] = -0.25*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.h[3] = 0.5 *(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.h[4] = -0.25*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]) sData.h[5] = 0.5 *(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.h[6] = -0.25*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0+xi[0]-xi[1]) sData.h[7] = 0.5 *(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[1]) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.25*(-1.0+xi[1])*( 2.0*xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[1,0] = xi[0]*(-1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.25*(-1.0+xi[1])*(-2.0*xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[3,0] = -0.5 *(1.0+xi[1])*(-1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[4,0] = 0.25*( 1.0+xi[1])*( 2.0*xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[5,0] = -xi[0]*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[6,0] = -0.25*( 1.0+xi[1])*(-2.0*xi[0]+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[7,0] = 0.5*(1.0+xi[1])*(-1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -0.25*(-1.0+xi[0])*( xi[0]+2.0*xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[1,1] = 0.5 *( 1.0+xi[0])*(-1.0+xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 0.25*( 1.0+xi[0])*(-xi[0]+2.0*xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[3,1] = -xi[1]*(1.0+xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[4,1] = 0.25*( 1.0+xi[0])*( xi[0]+2.0*xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[5,1] = -0.5 *( 1.0+xi[0])*(-1.0+xi[0]) sData.dhdxi[6,1] = -0.25*(-1.0+xi[0])*(-xi[0]+2.0*xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[7,1] = xi[1]*(-1.0+xi[0]) return sData
[docs] def getShapeQuad9 ( xi ): ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 2D quadrilateral element with 9 nodes (Quad9). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 2D coordinate (ndarray of length 2) ''' if len(xi) != 2: raise NotImplementedError('2D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 9 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(9,2) ) sData.xi = xi nodeMap = array([[0,1,2],[7,8,3],[6,5,4]]) s0 = getShapeLine3( xi[0] ) s1 = getShapeLine3( xi[1] ) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): iNod = nodeMap[i,j] sData.h[iNod] = s0.h[i]*s1.h[j] sData.dhdxi[iNod,0] = s0.h[i]*s1.dhdxi[0,j] sData.dhdxi[iNod,1] = s0.dhdxi[0,i]*s1.h[j] return sData
[docs] def getShapeTetra4 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 3D tetrahedral element with 4 nodes (Tetra4). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 3D coordinate (ndarray of length 3) ''' if len(xi) != 3: raise NotImplementedError('3D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 4 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(4,3) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 1.0-xi[0]-xi[1]-xi[2] sData.h[1] = xi[0] sData.h[2] = xi[1] sData.h[3] = xi[2] #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -1.0 sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 1.0 sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[3,0] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -1.0 sData.dhdxi[1,1] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 1.0 sData.dhdxi[3,1] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[0,2] = -1.0 sData.dhdxi[1,2] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[2,2] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[3,2] = 1.0 return sData
[docs] def getShapePyramid5 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 3D pyramid element with 5 nodes (Pyramid5). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 3D coordinate (ndarray of length 3) ''' if len(xi) != 3: raise NotImplementedError('3D only') sData = shapeData() #Set length of lists sData.h = empty( 5 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(5,3) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[1] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[2] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[3] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[4] = 0.5*(1.0+xi[2]) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[3,0] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[4,0] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[1,1] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[3,1] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[4,1] = 0.0 sData.dhdxi[0,2] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[1,2] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[2,2] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[3,2] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[4,2] = 0.5 return sData
[docs] def getShapePrism6 ( xi : ndarray) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 3D prsimatic element with 6 nodes (Prism6). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 3D coordinate (ndarray of length 3) ''' if len(xi) != 3: raise NotImplementedError('3D only') #Initialise tuples sData = shapeData() sDataLine2 = shapeData() SDataTria3 = shapeData() sData.h = empty( 6 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(6,3) ) sData.xi = xi sDataLine2 = getShapeLine2( xi[2] ) sDataTria3 = getShapeTria3( xi[:2] ) for i in range(3): for j in range(2): sData.h[i*2+j] = sDataLine2.h[j]*sDataTria3.h[i] sData.dhdxi[i*2+j,0] = sDataLine2.h[j]*sDataTria3.dhdxi[i,0] sData.dhdxi[i*2+j,1] = sDataLine2.h[j]*sDataTria3.dhdxi[i,1] sData.dhdxi[i*2+j,2] = sDataLine2.dhdxi[j,0]*sDataTria3.h[i] return sData
[docs] def getShapePrism18 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 3D prismatic element with 18 nodes (Prism18). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 3D coordinate (ndarray of length 3) ''' if len(xi) != 3: raise NotImplementedError('3D only') #Initialise tuples sData = shapeData() sDataLine2 = shapeData() SDataTria3 = shapeData() sData.h = empty( 18 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(18,3) ) sData.xi = xi sDataLine3 = getShapeLine3( xi[3] ) sDataTria6 = getShapeTria6( xi[:2] ) for i in range(6): for j in range(3): sData.h[i*3+j] = sDataLine3.h[j]*sDataTria6.h[i] sData.dhdxi[i*3+j,0] = sDataLine3.h[j]*sDataTria6.dhdxi[i,0] sData.dhdxi[i*3+j,1] = sDataLine3.h[j]*sDataTria6.dhdxi[i,1] sData.dhdxi[i*3+j,2] = sDataLine3.dhdxi[j,0]*sDataTria6.h[i] return sData
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[docs] def getShapeHexa8 ( xi : ndarray ) -> shapeData: ''' Function that returns the shape function data in a single integration point for a parent 3D hexahedron element with 8 nodes (Hexa8). Args: xi(ndarray): Location of the integration point Returns: shapeData: The integration point shape data containin the parent parameters, h, dhdxi and xi Raises: Error: when the input is not a 3D coordinate (ndarray of length 3) ''' if len(xi) != 3: raise NotImplementedError('The isoparamatric coordinate should be 3D.') sData = shapeData() sData.h = empty( 8 ) sData.dhdxi = empty( shape=(8,3) ) sData.xi = xi #Calculate shape functions sData.h[0] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[1] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[2] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[3] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.h[4] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.h[5] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.h[6] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.h[7] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) #Calculate derivatives of shape functions sData.dhdxi[0,0] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[1,0] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[2,0] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[3,0] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[4,0] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[5,0] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[6,0] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[7,0] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[1])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[0,1] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[1,1] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[2,1] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[3,1] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[4,1] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[5,1] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[6,1] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[7,1] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[2]) sData.dhdxi[0,2] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[1,2] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[2,2] = -0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[3,2] = -0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[4,2] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[5,2] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0-xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[6,2] = 0.125*(1.0+xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) sData.dhdxi[7,2] = 0.125*(1.0-xi[0])*(1.0+xi[1]) return sData
[docs] def getElemType( elemCoords : ndarray ) -> str: ''' Function that returns the element type based on the nodal coordinates of the element. Args: elemCoords(ndarray): Matrix (2D array) containing the nodal coordinates of the element. The number of rows is the number of nodes, the number of columns is the spatial dimensions (1,2 or 3). Returns: str: elementType - 1D elements: `Line2` and `Line3` - 2D elements: `Tria3`, `Tria6`, `Quad4`, `Quad8` and `Quad9` - 3D elements: `Tetra4`, `Pyramid5`, `Prism6`, `Hexa8` and `Prism18` Raises: Error: When the element type cannot be found, or when the spatial dimensions (rank) is not 1,2 or 3. ''' nNel = elemCoords.shape[0] rank = elemCoords.shape[1] if rank == 1: if nNel == 2: return "Line2" elif nNel == 3: return "Line3" else: raise NotImplementedError('No 1D element with '+str(nNel)+' nodes available') elif rank == 2: if nNel == 3: return "Tria3" elif nNel == 4: return "Quad4" elif nNel == 6: return "Tria6" elif nNel == 8: return "Quad8" elif nNel == 9: return "Quad9" else: raise NotImplementedError('No 2D element with '+str(nNel)+' nodes available') elif rank == 3: if nNel == 4: return "Tetra4" elif nNel == 5: return "Pyramid5" elif nNel == 6: return "Prism6" elif nNel == 8: return "Hexa8" elif nNel == 18: return "Prism18" else: raise NotImplementedError('No 3D element with '+str(nNel)+' nodes available') else: raise NotImplementedError('Rank must be 1,2 or 3')
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[docs] def tria_scheme( order : int ): # -> tuple(list[list],list[float]): ''' Function that returns the integration scheme (coordinates in the parent element and weights) for a 2D triangular element. Args: order (int): the integration order. This number is either 1,3 or 7 (representing the number of integration points). Returns: tuple(list[list],list[float]): A list of coordinates in the parent element and a list of weights. The length of the lists is idential to the order. Raises: Error: when the order is not equal to 1, 3 or 7. ''' if order == 1: xi = [[1.0/3.0,1.0/3.0]] weight = [ 0.5 ] elif order == 3: r1 = 1.0/6.0 r2 = 2.0/3.0 xi = [[r1,r1],[r2,r1],[r1,r2]] w1 = 1.0/6.0 weight = [w1,w1,w1] elif order == 7: r1 = 0.5*0.1012865073235 r2 = 0.5*0.7974269853531 r4 = 0.5*0.4701420641051 r6 = 0.0597158717898 r7 = 1.0/3.0 xi = [[r1,r1],[r2,r1],[r1,r2],[r4,r6],[r4,r4],[r6,r4],[r7,r7]] w1 = 0.1259391805448 w4 = 0.1323941527885 w7 = 0.225 weight = [ w1,w1,w1,w4,w4,w4,w7 ] else: raise NotImplementedError('Order must be 1,3 or 7') return xi,weight
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[docs] def tetra_scheme( order : int ): # -> tuple(list[list],list[float]): ''' Function that returns the integration scheme (coordinates in the parent element and weights) for a 3D tetrahedral element. Args: order (int): the integration order. This number is only 1, which means a three point integration scheme. Returns: tuple(list[list],list[float]): A list of coordinates in the parent element and a list of weights. The length of the lists is equal to 3. Raises: Error: when the order is not equal to 1. ''' if order == 1: third = 1./3. xi = [[third,third,third]] weight = [ 0.5*third ] else: raise NotImplementedError('Only order 1 integration implemented') return xi,weight
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[docs] def pyramid_scheme( order : int ): # -> tuple(list[list],list[float]): ''' Function that returns the integration scheme (coordinates in the parent element and weights) for a 3D pyramid element. Args: order (int): the integration order. This number is only 1, which means a one point integration scheme. Returns: tuple(list[list],list[float]): A list of coordinates in the parent element and a list of weights. The length of the lists is equal to 1. Raises: Error: when the order is not equal to 1. ''' if order == 1: xi = [[0.,0.,-0.5]] weight = [128.0/27.0]#[8.0/3.0] #[ 18.967 ] else: raise NotImplementedError('Only order 1 integration implemented') return xi,weight
[docs] def getIntegrationPoints( elemType : str , order : int , scheme : str ):# -> tuple(list[list],list[float]): ''' Function that returns the integration scheme (coordinates in the parent element and weights) for any elemement type Args: elemType (str): Indicating the type of element. - 1D elements: `Line2` and `Line3` - 2D elements: `Tria3`, `Tria6`, `Quad4`, `Quad8` and `Quad9` - 3D elements: `Tetra4`, `Pyramid5`, `Prism6`, `Hexa8` and `Prism18` order(int): the integration order. 0 represents the standard integration for an element (e.g. Guass 2x2 for a Quad4 element); +1 indicates a higher order integration (3x3 for a Quad4 element); -1 indicates a lower order (1x1). scheme(str): Integration scheme (is redundant). Returns: tuple(list[list],list[float]): A list of coordinates in the parent element and a list of weights. The length of the lists is equal to 3. Raises: Error: when the element type is not known. ''' xi = [] weight = [] if elemType[:-1] == "Line": if elemType == "Line2": stdOrder = 2 elif elemType == "Line3": stdOrder = 3 xi,weight = gauss_scheme( stdOrder + order ) xi = [float(a.real) for a in xi] elif elemType[:-1] == "Tria": orderArray = [1,3,7] if elemType == "Tria3": stdOrder = 0 elif elemType == "Tria6": stdOrder = 1 xi,weight = tria_scheme( orderArray[stdOrder + order] ) elif elemType[:-1] == "Tetra": stdOrder = 1 xi,weight = tetra_scheme( stdOrder + order ) elif elemType == "Pyramid5": stdOrder = 1 xi,weight = pyramid_scheme( stdOrder + order ) elif elemType[:-1] == "Quad": if elemType == "Quad4": stdOrder = 2 elif elemType == "Quad8" or elemType == "Quad9": stdOrder = 3 stdOrder += order ip,w = gauss_scheme( stdOrder ) for i in range(stdOrder): for j in range(stdOrder): xi. append( [float(ip[i].real),float(ip[j].real)] ) weight.append( w[i]*w[j] ) elif elemType[:-1] == "Hexa": if elemType == "Hexa8": stdOrder = 2 stdOrder += order ip,w = gauss_scheme( stdOrder ) for i in range(stdOrder): for j in range(stdOrder): for k in range(stdOrder): xi. append( [float(ip[i].real),float(ip[j].real),float(ip[k].real)] ) weight.append( w[i]*w[j]*w[k] ) elif elemType[:-1] == "Prism": orderArray = [1,3,7] if elemType == "Prism6": stdOrder = 2 elif elemtype == "Prism18": stdOrder = 3 stdOrder += order ip0,w0 = tria_scheme( orderArray[stdOrder] ) ip1,w1 = gauss_scheme( stdOrder ) for i in range(orderArray[stdOrder]): for j in range(stdOrder): xi. append( [float(ip0[i][0].real),float(ip0[i][1].real),float(ip1[j].real)] ) weight.append( w0[i]*w1[j] ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Element type not known.') return xi , weight
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[docs] def calcWeightandDerivatives( elemCoords : ndarray , sData : shapeData , weight : float ): ''' Function that calculates the derivatives of shapefunctions and their weight in the physical element. Args: elemCoords(ndarray): Matrix (2D array) containing the nodal coordinates of the element. The number of rows is the number of nodes, the number of columns is the spatial dimensions (1,2 or 3). sData (shapeData): the current shape data in this integration point. This contains the coordinate of the integration point xi and the shape function h and its derivative dhdx. weight(float): Integration weight. Returns: None: The physical derivative and weight are store in sData. ''' jac = dot ( elemCoords.transpose() , sData.dhdxi ) if jac.shape[0] == jac.shape[1]: sData.dhdx = dot ( sData.dhdxi , inv( jac ) ) sData.weight = abs(det(jac)) * weight elif jac.shape[0] == 2 and jac.shape[1] == 1: sData.weight = sqrt(sum(sum(jac*jac))) * weight elif jac.shape[0] == 3 and jac.shape[1] == 2: jac3 = zeros(shape=(3,3)) jac3[:,:2] = jac dA = zeros(3) dA[0] = norm(cross(jac3[:,1],jac3[:,2])) dA[1] = norm(cross(jac3[:,2],jac3[:,0])) dA[2] = norm(cross(jac3[:,0],jac3[:,1])) sData.weight = norm(dA) * weight
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[docs] def getElemShapeData( elemCoords : ndarray , order : int = 0 , method : str = 'Gauss' , elemType : str = 'Default' ) -> elemShapeData: ''' Function to determine the element shape functions and integration point data for a given element with nodal coordinates. Args: elemCoords(ndarray): Matrix (2D array) containing the nodal coordinates of the element. The number of rows is the number of nodes, the number of columns is the spatial dimensions (1,2 or 3). order(int) : the order of integration. ) is default and indicates a regular integration for such an element. method(str) : the integration type. `Gauss` is default. elemType(str) : the element type. If the default value is chosen, the element type will be determined by means of the dimensions of the elemCoords array. Returns: elemShapeData: Raises: Error: when the elementType is not known. ''' elemData = elemShapeData() if elemType == 'Default': elemType = getElemType( elemCoords ) (intCrds,intWghts) = getIntegrationPoints( elemType , order , method ) for xi,weight in zip( intCrds , intWghts ): try: sData = eval( 'getShape'+elemType+'(xi)' ) except: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown type :'+elemType) calcWeightandDerivatives( elemCoords , sData , weight ) sData.x = dot(sData.h,elemCoords) elemData.sData.append(sData) return elemData
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[docs] def getShapeData( order : int = 0 , method : str = 'Gauss' , elemType : str = 'Default' ) -> elemShapeData: ''' Function to determine the element shape functions and integration point data for a given elementtype. Args: order(int) : the order of integration. ) is default and indicates a regular integration for such an element. method(str) : the integration type. `Gauss` is default. elemType(str) : the element type. Returns: elemShapeData: Raises: Error: when the elementType is not known. ''' shpData = elemShapeData() (intCrds,intWghts) = getIntegrationPoints( elemType , order , method ) for xi,weight in zip( intCrds , intWghts ): try: sData = eval( 'getShape'+elemType+'(xi)' ) except: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown type :'+elemType) sData.dhdx = sData.dhdxi sData.weight = weight shpData.sData.append(sData) return shpData