Source code for pyfem.util.transformations

#  This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book:      #
#                                                                              #
#    'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures'             #
#    R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel            #
#    John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449                            #
#                                                                              #
#  Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by                #
#  Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since        #
#  then augmented and maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers.                        #
#  All rights reserved.                                                        #
#                                                                              #
#  A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code,          #
#  can be found here:                                                          #
#                                     #
#                                            #	
#                                                                              #
#  The original code can be downloaded from the web-site:                      #
#                                          #
#                                                                              #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific         #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would      #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                     #    
#                                                                              #
#  Disclaimer:                                                                 #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is        #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any       #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                     #

from numpy import array, dot, ndarray, empty, ix_
from scipy.linalg import norm

from .dataStructures import GlobalData

[docs] def getRotationMatrix ( el_coords ): #Check the dimension of physical space if el_coords.shape[1] != 2: raise NotImplementedError('Rotation matrix only implemented for 2D situation') #Compute the (undeformed) element length l0 = norm( el_coords[1]-el_coords[0] ) #Set up the rotation matrix to rotate a globdal #coordinate to an element coordinate (see Ch 1.3) sinalpha = (el_coords[1,1]-el_coords[0,1])/l0 cosalpha = (el_coords[1,0]-el_coords[0,0])/l0 return array([[cosalpha,sinalpha],[-sinalpha,cosalpha]])
[docs] def vectorToElementCoordinates ( a, el_coords ): R = getRotationMatrix( el_coords ) a_bar = empty( a.shape ) if len(a_bar) % len(R) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Vector does not have the right shape to be rotated') for i in range(len(a_bar)//len(R)): a_bar[len(R)*i:len(R)*(i+1)] = dot( R, a[len(R)*i:len(R)*(i+1)] ) return a_bar
[docs] def matrixToElementCoordinates ( a, el_coords ): R = getRotationMatrix( el_coords ) a_bar = empty( a.shape ) if a_bar.shape[0] % len(R) != 0 or a_bar.shape[1] % len(R) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Matrix does not have the right shape to be rotated') for i in range(a_bar.shape[0]/len(R)): iran = list(range( len(R)*i, len(R)*(i+1))) for j in range(a_bar.shape[1]/len(R)): jran = list(range( len(R)*j, len(R)*(j+1))) a_bar[ix_(iran,jran)] = dot( dot( R, a[ix_(iran,jran)] ), R.transpose() ) return a_bar
[docs] def vectorToGlobalCoordinates ( a_bar, el_coords ): R = getRotationMatrix( el_coords ) a = empty( a_bar.shape ) if len(a) % len(R) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Vector does not have the right shape to be rotated') for i in range(len(a)//len(R)): a[len(R)*i:len(R)*(i+1)] = dot( R.transpose(), a_bar[len(R)*i:len(R)*(i+1)] ) return a
[docs] def matrixToGlobalCoordinates ( a_bar, el_coords ): R = getRotationMatrix( el_coords ) a = empty( a_bar.shape ) if a.shape[0] % len(R) != 0 or a.shape[1] % len(R) != 0: raise RuntimeError('Matrix does not have the right shape to be rotated') for i in range(a.shape[0]//len(R)): iran = list(range( len(R)*i, len(R)*(i+1))) for j in range(a.shape[1]//len(R)): jran = list(range( len(R)*j, len(R)*(j+1))) a[ix_(iran,jran)] = dot( dot( R.transpose(), a_bar[ix_(iran,jran)] ), R ) return a
[docs] def toElementCoordinates ( a, el_coords ): #Vector if isinstance ( a, ndarray ) and len(a.shape) == 1: return vectorToElementCoordinates ( a, el_coords ) #Vector elif isinstance ( a, ndarray ) and len(a.shape) == 2: return matrixToElementCoordinates ( a, el_coords ) #Error else: raise NotImplementedError('Rotation to element coordinate system only works for matrices and vectors.')
[docs] def toGlobalCoordinates ( a, el_coords ): #Vector if isinstance ( a, ndarray ) and len(a.shape) == 1: return vectorToGlobalCoordinates ( a, el_coords ) #Vector elif isinstance ( a, ndarray ) and len(a.shape) == 2: return matrixToGlobalCoordinates ( a, el_coords ) #Error else: raise NotImplementedError('Rotation to element coordinate system only works for matrices and vectors.')