Source code for pyfem.util.vtkUtils

#  This Python file is part of PyFEM, the code that accompanies the book:  #
#                                                                          #
#    'Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures'         #
#    R. de Borst, M.A. Crisfield, J.J.C. Remmers and C.V. Verhoosel        #
#    John Wiley and Sons, 2012, ISBN 978-0470666449                        #
#                                                                          #
#  Copyright (C) 2011-2025. The code is written in 2011-2012 by            #
#  Joris J.C. Remmers, Clemens V. Verhoosel and Rene de Borst and since    #
#  then augmented and  maintained by Joris J.C. Remmers.                   #
#  All rights reserved.                                                    #
#                                                                          #
#  The latest stable version can be downloaded from the web-site:          #
#                                      #
#                                                                          #
#  A github repository, with the most up to date version of the code,      #
#  can be found here:                                                      #
#                                  #
#                                                                          #
#  The code is open source and intended for educational and scientific     #
#  purposes only. If you use PyFEM in your research, the developers would  #
#  be grateful if you could cite the book.                                 #  
#                                                                          #
#  Disclaimer:                                                             #
#  The authors reserve all rights but do not guarantee that the code is    #
#  free from errors. Furthermore, the authors shall not be liable in any   #
#  event caused by the use of the program.                                 #

from numpy import zeros 
from pyfem.util.BaseModule import BaseModule
import vtk

[docs] def storeNodes( grid , globdat ): points = vtk.vtkPoints() for nodeID in list(globdat.nodes.keys()): crd = globdat.nodes.getNodeCoords(nodeID) crd1 = zeros(3) if len(crd) == 2: crd1[:2] = crd crd1[2] = 0.0 else: crd1 = crd points.InsertNextPoint(crd1) grid.SetPoints(points)
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[docs] def storeElements( grid , globdat , elementGroup = "All" ): rank = globdat.nodes.rank for element in globdat.elements.iterElementGroup( elementGroup ): el_nodes = globdat.nodes.getIndices(element.getNodes()) insertElement( grid , el_nodes , rank , )
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[docs] def storeDofField( grid , data , globdat , dofTypes , label ): d = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() d.SetName( label ) d.SetNumberOfComponents(len(dofTypes)) i = 0 for nodeID in list(globdat.nodes.keys()): j = 0 for dispDof in dofTypes: if dispDof in globdat.dofs.dofTypes: d.InsertComponent( i , j , data[globdat.dofs.getForType(nodeID,dispDof)] ) else: d.InsertComponent( i , j , 0.0 ) j+=1 i+=1 grid.GetPointData().AddArray( d )
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[docs] def storeDofFields( grid , data , globdat ): dofTypes = [ [ "u", "v", "w" ] , "temp" , "phase" ] labels = [ "displacements" , "temperature" , "phase" ] for dofs,name in zip(dofTypes,labels): if type(dofs) == list: checkDof = dofs[0] else: checkDof = dofs if checkDof in globdat.dofs.dofTypes: storeDofField( grid , data , globdat , dofs , name )
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[docs] def storeNodeField( grid , data , globdat , name ): d = vtk.vtkDoubleArray(); d.SetName( name ); d.SetNumberOfComponents(1); for i,l in enumerate(data): d.InsertComponent( i , 0 , l ) grid.GetPointData().AddArray( d )
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[docs] def storeElementField( grid , data , globdat , name ): d = vtk.vtkDoubleArray(); d.SetName( name ); d.SetNumberOfComponents(1); for i,l in enumerate(data): d.InsertComponent( i , 0 , l ) grid.GetCellData().AddArray( d )
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[docs] def setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ): ''' ''' for i,inod in enumerate(elemNodes): cell.GetPointIds().SetId(i,inod)
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[docs] def insertElement( grid , elemNodes , rank , family ): ''' Inserts an element ''' nNod = len(elemNodes) if family == "CONTINUUM": if rank == 2: insert2Dcontinuum( grid , elemNodes ) elif rank == 3: insert3Dcontinuum( grid , elemNodes ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 2D and 3D continuum elements.') elif family == "INTERFACE": if rank == 2: insert2Dinterface( grid , elemNodes ) elif rank == 3: insert3Dinterface( grid , elemNodes ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 2D and 3D interface elements.') elif family == "SURFACE": if rank == 2: insert2Dsurface( grid , elemNodes ) elif rank == 3: insert3Dsurface( grid , elemNodes ) elif family == "BEAM": insertBeam( grid , elemNodes ) elif family == "SHELL": insertShell( grid , elemNodes ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Family of elements is not known.')
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[docs] def insert2Dcontinuum( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 2: cell = vtk.vtkLine() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 3: cell = vtk.vtkTriangle() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 4: cell = vtk.vtkQuad() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 6: cell = vtk.vtkTriangle() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[0:6:2] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 8 or nNod == 9: cell = vtk.vtkQuad() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[0:8:2] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: print(nNod) raise NotImplementedError('Only 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 node continuum elements in 2D.')
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[docs] def insert3Dcontinuum( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 4: cell = vtk.vtkTetra() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 5: cell = vtk.vtkPyramid() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 6: cell = vtk.vtkWedge() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 8: cell = vtk.vtkHexahedron() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 16: cell = vtk.vtkHexahedron() setCellNodes( cell , numpy.concatenate(elemNodes[0:8:2],elemNodes[8:16:2] ) ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 4, 5, 6, 8 and 16 node continuum elements in 3D.')
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[docs] def insert2Dinterface( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 4: cell = vtk.vtkLine() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[0:2] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[2:] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 4 node interface elements in 2D.')
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[docs] def insert3Dinterface( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 6: cell = vtk.vtkTria() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[0:3] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[3:] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 8: cell = vtk.vtkQuad() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[0:4] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes[4:] ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 6 and 8 node interface elements in 3D.')
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[docs] def insert2Dsurface( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 2: cell = vtk.vtkLine() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 2 node surface elements in 2D.')
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[docs] def insert3Dsurface( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 3: cell = vtk.vtkTriangle() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 4: cell = vtk.vtkQuad() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 3 and 4 node surface elements in 3D.')
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[docs] def insertBeam( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 2: cell = vtk.vtkLine() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 3: cell = vtk.vtkLine() cell.GetPointIds().SetId(0,elemNodes[0]) cell.GetPointIds().SetId(1,elemNodes[2]) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 2 and 3 node beam elements.')
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[docs] def insertShell( grid , elemNodes ): nNod = len(elemNodes) if nNod == 3: cell = vtk.vtkTriangle() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) elif nNod == 4: cell = vtk.vtkQuad() setCellNodes( cell , elemNodes ) grid.InsertNextCell( cell.GetCellType(),cell.GetPointIds() ) else: raise NotImplementedError('Only 3 and 4 node shell elements.')